very good
mIRC indir TCL Script > Ingilizce Oyun Botu | mIRC, mirc, mirc, mirc, Turkce mIRC, mIRC Turk, mIRC indir, mIRC yukle, mIRC 6.17, Turkce mIRC
14 Kasım 2010 Pazar
Türkiye'de Türkçe Mirc Bizden Sorulur Amaç Eğlence ve Sohbet'se ara biz olaLım. Mirc scripting download adresiniz.
10 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba
n0=/op /mode # +ooooo $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
n1=/dop /mode # -ooooo $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
n2=/j /join #$$1 $2-
n3=/p /part #
n4=/n /names #$$1
n5=/w /whois $$1
n6=/k /kick # $$1 $2-
n7=/q /query $$1
n8=/send /dcc send $1 $2
n9=/chat /dcc chat $1
n10=/ping /ctcp $$1 ping
n11=/finger /ctcp $$1 finger
n12=/version /ctcp $$1 version
n13=/pass /nickserv identify $1
n14=/umode /mode $me $1
n15=/s /server $$1-
n16=/cs /chanserv $1-
n17=/ns /nickserv $1-
n18=/ms /memoserv $1-
n19=/os /operserv $1-
n20=/kb /ban $chan $$1 2 | /kick # $$1
n21=mdx { return $dll(dlls\mdx.dll,$1,$2-) }
n22=mdxinit {
n23= mdx SetMircVersion $version
n24= mdx MarkDialog $dname
n26=/f5 /gzline $$1 1d 4 IRC.mIRCteyiz.Net 2platformun'da troJan/Reklam/Flood/Kufur yapmak yasaktir.
n27=/f9 /spamfilter add c block 1d Spam/Kufur $$?="Eklencek Kelime"
n28=/f10 /spamfilter del c block 1d Spam/Kufur $$?="Silincek Kelime"
n29=/f11 /spamfilter add cpnNa gzline 2d RekLam-Yasaktır.[$nick] $$?="Eklencek Kelime"
n30=/f12 /spamfilter del cpnNa gzline 2d RekLam-Yasaktır.[$nick] $$?="Silinecek Kelime"
n31=ame { if $1 { var %º = 1 | while $chan(%º) { if !$istok(#Operhelp #help #helpeğitim #sınav #log,$v1,32) { !describe $chan(%º) $1- } | inc %º } } }
n32=amsg { haLtdef | var %i 0 | var %t $chan(0) | whiLe %i < %t { inc %i | if $istok(#heLp #log #helpeğitim #sınav #OperheLp,$chan(%i),32) != $true { msg $chan(%i) $1- } } }
n0=/op /mode # +ooooo $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
n1=/dop /mode # -ooooo $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
n2=/j /join #$$1 $2-
n3=/p /part #
n4=/n /names #$$1
n5=/w /whois $$1
n6=/k /kick # $$1 $2-
n7=/q /query $$1
n8=/send /dcc send $1 $2
n9=/chat /dcc chat $1
n10=/ping /ctcp $$1 ping
n11=/finger /ctcp $$1 finger
n12=/version /ctcp $$1 version
n13=/pass /nickserv identify $1
n14=/umode /mode $me $1
n15=/s /server $$1-
n16=/cs /chanserv $1-
n17=/ns /nickserv $1-
n18=/ms /memoserv $1-
n19=/os /operserv $1-
n20=/kb /ban $chan $$1 2 | /kick # $$1
n21=mdx { return $dll(dlls\mdx.dll,$1,$2-) }
n22=mdxinit {
n23= mdx SetMircVersion $version
n24= mdx MarkDialog $dname
n26=/f5 /gzline $$1 1d 4 IRC.mIRCteyiz.Net 2platformun'da troJan/Reklam/Flood/Kufur yapmak yasaktir.
n27=/f9 /spamfilter add c block 1d Spam/Kufur $$?="Eklencek Kelime"
n28=/f10 /spamfilter del c block 1d Spam/Kufur $$?="Silincek Kelime"
n29=/f11 /spamfilter add cpnNa gzline 2d RekLam-Yasaktır.[$nick] $$?="Eklencek Kelime"
n30=/f12 /spamfilter del cpnNa gzline 2d RekLam-Yasaktır.[$nick] $$?="Silinecek Kelime"
n31=ame { if $1 { var %º = 1 | while $chan(%º) { if !$istok(#Operhelp #help #helpeğitim #sınav #log,$v1,32) { !describe $chan(%º) $1- } | inc %º } } }
n32=amsg { haLtdef | var %i 0 | var %t $chan(0) | whiLe %i < %t { inc %i | if $istok(#heLp #log #helpeğitim #sınav #OperheLp,$chan(%i),32) != $true { msg $chan(%i) $1- } } }
come friends
alias whilefix { dll $shortfn($mircdirloglar\dll\WhileFix.dll) WhileFix . }
alias mdxdll return $shortfn(loglar\dll\mdx.dll)
alias bars return $shortfn(loglar\dll\bars.mdx)
alias _views return $shortfn(loglar\dll\views.mdx)
alias _mdx dll $shortfn($mdxdll) $1-
alias _mdxinit dll $shortfn($mdxdll) SetMircVersion $version | dll $shortfn($mdxdll) MarkDialog $dname
menu channel,status,query,menubar {
dialog loglar {
title " Log Gösterici Addon v1.0 -"
size -1 -1 175 165
option dbu
icon loglar\icon\log.ico
text "", 12, 3 2 170 24
list 13, 144 2 22 25, size disable
text "Log Gösterici Addon v1.0", 14, 7 3 100 10
text "Kanal veya özel logu seçerek, bak düğmesine basınız", 15, 7 15 135 8
box "", 16, 3 25 170 4
list 1, 2 45 171 99, size
button "Bak", 5, 3 151 37 12
button "Sil", 6, 41 151 37 12
box "", 9, 3 144 170 4
button "Tamam", 10, 135 151 37 12, ok
list 2, 3 32 96 14, size
alias loglar { dialog -m loglar loglar }
on *:dialog:loglar:init:*: {
_mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 12,14,15
_mdx SetControlMDX $dname 13 toolbar flat list nodivider arrows > $bars
did -i $dname 13 1 bmpsize 35 35
_mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 13
_mdx SetColor $dname 13 background $rgb(255,255,255)
did -i $dname 13 1 setimage +nhd 0 icon large loglar/icon/log.ico
did -i $dname 13 1 bwidth 200 200
did -a $dname 13 1 a
_mdx SetColor $dname 12,14,15 background $rgb(255,255,255)
_mdx SetColor $dname 12,14,15 textbg $rgb(255,255,255)
_mdx SetFont $dname 14 18 600 Tahoma
;_mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 9 staticedge
_mdx SetFont $dname 5,6,9 13 600 Tahoma
_mdx SetBorderStyle 2 windowedge
_mdx SetControlMDX 2 Toolbar list nodivider arrows > $bars
_mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report nosortheader rowselect single grid headerdrag > $_views
did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 120 140 78
did -i $dname 1 1 headertext +c Kanal Logları $chr(9) Tarih $chr(9) Satır sayısı
var %i = did -i $dname 2 1 setimage +ndh icon small, %a = did -a $dname 2
did -i $dname 2 1 bmpsize 16 16
%i loglar/icon/kanal.ico
%a 1 Kanal Logları
%i loglar/icon/user.ico
%a 2 Özel Logları
%lg = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,klog $1-)
on *:dialog:loglar:sclick:*:{
if ($did == 2) {
if ($did(2).sel == 2) { kloglar | did -i $dname 1 1 headertext +c Kanal Logları $chr(9) Tarih $chr(9) Satır sayısı }
if ($did(2).sel == 3) { pvloglar | did -i $dname 1 1 headertext +c Özel Logları $chr(9) Tarih $chr(9) Satır sayısı }
if ($did == 5) { if ($did(1).sel > 0) { göster- $gettok($did(1).seltext,6,32) } }
if ($did == 6) { if ($did(1).sel > 0) { .remove logs\ $+ $gettok($did(1).seltext,6,32) $+ .log | did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel | did -c $dname 1 1 } }
if ($did == 10) { window -c @Loglar }
on *:dialog:loglar:dclick:*:{
clear @Loglar | göster- $gettok($did(1).seltext,6,32)
alias kloglar {
did -r loglar 1
%lg = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,klog $1-)
alias pvloglar { did -r loglar 1 | %lg = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,pvlog $1-) }
alias klog {
if $left($nopath($1-),1) == $chr(35) {
var %l = $read($1-,2)
var %z = $lines($1-)
did -a loglar 1 $remove($nopath($1-),.log) $chr(9) $gettok(%l,4-,32) $chr(9) %z
alias pvlog {
if $left($nopath($1-),1) != $chr(35) {
var %l = $read($1-,2)
var %z = $lines($1-)
did -a loglar 1 $remove($nopath($1-),.log) $chr(9) $gettok(%l,4-,32) $chr(9) %z
alias göster- {
if (!$window(@Loglar)) window -e @Loglar
var %a = 1
var %b = logs\ $+ $1 $+ .log
if ($window(@Loglar)) loadbuf @Loglar %b
;var %c = $lines(%b)
;while (%a <= %c) {
; whilefix
; if ($window(@Loglar)) echo @Loglar $iif($read(%b,%a) != $null,$read(%b,%a),$chr(160))
; inc %a
menu @Loglar {
Ekrani Sil:clear
alias mdxdll return $shortfn(loglar\dll\mdx.dll)
alias bars return $shortfn(loglar\dll\bars.mdx)
alias _views return $shortfn(loglar\dll\views.mdx)
alias _mdx dll $shortfn($mdxdll) $1-
alias _mdxinit dll $shortfn($mdxdll) SetMircVersion $version | dll $shortfn($mdxdll) MarkDialog $dname
menu channel,status,query,menubar {
dialog loglar {
title " Log Gösterici Addon v1.0 -"
size -1 -1 175 165
option dbu
icon loglar\icon\log.ico
text "", 12, 3 2 170 24
list 13, 144 2 22 25, size disable
text "Log Gösterici Addon v1.0", 14, 7 3 100 10
text "Kanal veya özel logu seçerek, bak düğmesine basınız", 15, 7 15 135 8
box "", 16, 3 25 170 4
list 1, 2 45 171 99, size
button "Bak", 5, 3 151 37 12
button "Sil", 6, 41 151 37 12
box "", 9, 3 144 170 4
button "Tamam", 10, 135 151 37 12, ok
list 2, 3 32 96 14, size
alias loglar { dialog -m loglar loglar }
on *:dialog:loglar:init:*: {
_mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 12,14,15
_mdx SetControlMDX $dname 13 toolbar flat list nodivider arrows > $bars
did -i $dname 13 1 bmpsize 35 35
_mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 13
_mdx SetColor $dname 13 background $rgb(255,255,255)
did -i $dname 13 1 setimage +nhd 0 icon large loglar/icon/log.ico
did -i $dname 13 1 bwidth 200 200
did -a $dname 13 1 a
_mdx SetColor $dname 12,14,15 background $rgb(255,255,255)
_mdx SetColor $dname 12,14,15 textbg $rgb(255,255,255)
_mdx SetFont $dname 14 18 600 Tahoma
;_mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 9 staticedge
_mdx SetFont $dname 5,6,9 13 600 Tahoma
_mdx SetBorderStyle 2 windowedge
_mdx SetControlMDX 2 Toolbar list nodivider arrows > $bars
_mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report nosortheader rowselect single grid headerdrag > $_views
did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 120 140 78
did -i $dname 1 1 headertext +c Kanal Logları $chr(9) Tarih $chr(9) Satır sayısı
var %i = did -i $dname 2 1 setimage +ndh icon small, %a = did -a $dname 2
did -i $dname 2 1 bmpsize 16 16
%i loglar/icon/kanal.ico
%a 1 Kanal Logları
%i loglar/icon/user.ico
%a 2 Özel Logları
%lg = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,klog $1-)
on *:dialog:loglar:sclick:*:{
if ($did == 2) {
if ($did(2).sel == 2) { kloglar | did -i $dname 1 1 headertext +c Kanal Logları $chr(9) Tarih $chr(9) Satır sayısı }
if ($did(2).sel == 3) { pvloglar | did -i $dname 1 1 headertext +c Özel Logları $chr(9) Tarih $chr(9) Satır sayısı }
if ($did == 5) { if ($did(1).sel > 0) { göster- $gettok($did(1).seltext,6,32) } }
if ($did == 6) { if ($did(1).sel > 0) { .remove logs\ $+ $gettok($did(1).seltext,6,32) $+ .log | did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel | did -c $dname 1 1 } }
if ($did == 10) { window -c @Loglar }
on *:dialog:loglar:dclick:*:{
clear @Loglar | göster- $gettok($did(1).seltext,6,32)
alias kloglar {
did -r loglar 1
%lg = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,klog $1-)
alias pvloglar { did -r loglar 1 | %lg = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,pvlog $1-) }
alias klog {
if $left($nopath($1-),1) == $chr(35) {
var %l = $read($1-,2)
var %z = $lines($1-)
did -a loglar 1 $remove($nopath($1-),.log) $chr(9) $gettok(%l,4-,32) $chr(9) %z
alias pvlog {
if $left($nopath($1-),1) != $chr(35) {
var %l = $read($1-,2)
var %z = $lines($1-)
did -a loglar 1 $remove($nopath($1-),.log) $chr(9) $gettok(%l,4-,32) $chr(9) %z
alias göster- {
if (!$window(@Loglar)) window -e @Loglar
var %a = 1
var %b = logs\ $+ $1 $+ .log
if ($window(@Loglar)) loadbuf @Loglar %b
;var %c = $lines(%b)
;while (%a <= %c) {
; whilefix
; if ($window(@Loglar)) echo @Loglar $iif($read(%b,%a) != $null,$read(%b,%a),$chr(160))
; inc %a
menu @Loglar {
Ekrani Sil:clear
National Cyber-Security Awareness Month
is here once again. In that spirit we wanted to share a bit about what
we are doing on Blogger to help fight malicious content, along with some
tips for a safer browsing experience online. While spammers are always
coming up with new tricks, the combination of Blogger’s abuse-fighting
systems and the security features of modern browsers helps ensure that
you’ll be able to browse through your favorite blog content with
partnered with other abuse-fighting teams within Google to develop
sophisticated systems for automatically detecting and quarantining
nefarious content on Blogspot. Over the years, our teams have analyzed
the patterns and behavior of malicious blogs and code, and with each new
detection our existing algorithms are trained for better coverage in
the future. As a result, we are able to catch and quarantine thousands
of malicious blogs each year, and are happy to say that our overall spam
levels are at an all-time low across our service.
course, while our automated systems provide great coverage for a wide
variety of abuse types, you can always let us know about suspicious
blogs by reporting them directly to us
via our online form. We’re also looking to you, the users, to be our
eyes on the web and let us know anything that may have escaped our
existing systems.
partnering with us on the detection process, you can also make a
difference in your own online security by taking advantage of your
browser’s built-in security. Modern browsers have powerful security
features that can detect potentially malicious sites and alert you
should you stumble upon them. Using technology like Google’s Safe Browsing
tools, users of many browsers see warning screens when attempting to
visit sites that automated systems have determined to contain suspicious
content. To make sure you have the latest and most secure browser
version, please check out the following browser sites:
We also recommend using one of the following tools to keep your browser plug-ins up to date: Google-developed SecBrowsing; Mozilla Plugin Check.
For more tips on safe browsing and security on the web, check out the home of Cyber Security Awareness Month at the
is here once again. In that spirit we wanted to share a bit about what
we are doing on Blogger to help fight malicious content, along with some
tips for a safer browsing experience online. While spammers are always
coming up with new tricks, the combination of Blogger’s abuse-fighting
systems and the security features of modern browsers helps ensure that
you’ll be able to browse through your favorite blog content with
partnered with other abuse-fighting teams within Google to develop
sophisticated systems for automatically detecting and quarantining
nefarious content on Blogspot. Over the years, our teams have analyzed
the patterns and behavior of malicious blogs and code, and with each new
detection our existing algorithms are trained for better coverage in
the future. As a result, we are able to catch and quarantine thousands
of malicious blogs each year, and are happy to say that our overall spam
levels are at an all-time low across our service.
course, while our automated systems provide great coverage for a wide
variety of abuse types, you can always let us know about suspicious
blogs by reporting them directly to us
via our online form. We’re also looking to you, the users, to be our
eyes on the web and let us know anything that may have escaped our
existing systems.
partnering with us on the detection process, you can also make a
difference in your own online security by taking advantage of your
browser’s built-in security. Modern browsers have powerful security
features that can detect potentially malicious sites and alert you
should you stumble upon them. Using technology like Google’s Safe Browsing
tools, users of many browsers see warning screens when attempting to
visit sites that automated systems have determined to contain suspicious
content. To make sure you have the latest and most secure browser
version, please check out the following browser sites:
We also recommend using one of the following tools to keep your browser plug-ins up to date: Google-developed SecBrowsing; Mozilla Plugin Check.
For more tips on safe browsing and security on the web, check out the home of Cyber Security Awareness Month at the
Disconnecting is such a burden.
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